Do you know why the Messiah came to earth? Many people think he came to preach the Word of God, or to perform miracles and heal the sick. And indeed he did all these things.
But the Injil teaches us that Jesus was sent to tackle a much deeper problem! Our real problem is the rebellious state of our hearts that leads us to sin by disobeying God. This problem is so serious that it causes the death of every human being, as it did for the first of us, Adam. Adam's first sin may seem insignificant to us (he ate a forbidden fruit), but it was enough to condemn him to death! For God cannot bear evil (Habakkuk 1:13).
But all the good we do cannot change this rebellious heart, and we continue to sin throughout our lives. We are lost!
But fortunately, God has not left us without a solution. As early as the first chapter, an angel declares about Jesus: "he will save his people from their sins" (The Injil, Matthew 1:21). The Messiah healed the sick and taught us many things, but his mission was much greater! He needed to provide the solution to the problem of sin, so that we could be saved.
Would you also like to be saved from your sins? It's possible, and the Injil shows us how: don't wait to find it out!