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Reflections about the Injil

Why Read the Injil Today?

Lecture de la Bible

The Injil of Jesus the Messiah is an ancient revealed text that is almost two thousand years old. Why should we still read it today?

There are at least three very important reasons for doing so:

The importance of the Messiah

Firstly, the Messiah is a particularly important figure: he alone is called by the Qur'an the "Word" and "Spirit" of God (Qur'an 4:171). He is the only one who has never sinned, in contrast with all the other prophets! (Qur'an 47:19 ; 48:1-2 ; 80:1-11). He is unique. And it’s only through the Injil that we can know Jesus. Furthermore, the Qur’an refers to the Injil as a ‘guide and light’ and a ‘guide and encouragement for the God-fearing’ (Qur’an 5:46).

The Word of God does not expire

But isn’t the Qur’an enough for us? Not, according to the prophets. Isaiah wrote: “The word of our God endures forever” (Isaiah 40:8). It is still completely valid to this day! This is the second reason for reading the Injil which says that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Text from the Prophet Isaiah (40.8)

The power of the Injil

Finally, the third reason to read the Injil is that this extraordinary message has changed the lives of countless people throughout history. This is not just a book: the Injil is “the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). Would you like to know this power?

Translated and adapted from the introduction to the book L'Injil de Jésus le Messie, Excelsis, 2021

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